Wednesday, December 8, 2010

more than many

When I'm down and in a state of un-inspiration, I fall back onto what I already have written, what I already know to be true.

Here's a snippet from a facebook note I wrote a little over a year ago...

"Yesterday, at the beginning of a busy evening, I found myself in a long line waiting to turn [left] onto Bay Area from 528. If you've been there at rush hour, you'll truly understand the ridiculous length of "long". 
As the wait was making me a little late for my next appointment that evening, I was antsy and impatient. Suddenly, the sky turned black with birds, as hundreds, if not thousands, rose up from every telephone line and tree around the intersection. I was captivated by the formations and abundance of the birds. they came from every direction, playing a beautiful game of musical chairs in the skies. it went on for several minutes. As I watched the intricate dance going on around me, in awe, I remebered that Jesus said not even one of these birds falls to the ground without the Father knowing. And then, I was so blessed to remember that He also said I am of much more worth to Him than those birds. 

I was refreshed and blessed so much, that I couldn't have cared less if the light never ever turned green. 

God is so good, to send us reminders that He cares for us in the midst of our busy lives. But maybe its not so bold as a thousand birds at a stoplight. Maybe its in the simple smile of a child, or a word from a friend. A beautiful tree in the sunshine, or rain on the window. 
He cares for me, He cares for YOU. And if you stop and take a look around, you'll see evidence of that. 

God loves so much because He is Love. it's His very nature to care for us."

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. -Luke 12:6-7

Lately I've been down in my spirit. 
Lately I've been full of fears.
Lately I've been short on hope. 
It's a good thing that God is full of grace.
It's a great thing that God always, always cares.
It's a wonderful thing that God hasn't forgotten.

Whatever, wherever, whenever; He's forever, for me.
because I'm worth more than many.

"Why do I feel discouraged? Why do the shadows come? Why does my heart feel lonely and long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
So I’ll sing because I’m happy and I’ll sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me."

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