Monday, October 11, 2010

Do You Get the Super-Thankful Butterflies?

Woke up at 4:45 and, well, so much for falling back to sleep... sometimes, once I’m awake, I’m awake. That’s how it is this morning. Honestly, I was excited about sleeping in today, because looking ahead at the week, i realize that it’s the only day I can possibly sleep in. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18- “give thanks in all circumstances...”
There are so many things that we are obviously thankful for: food, a place to live, family and friends, salvation... But what about the less obvious spots? Am I thankful when I feel disrespected? Am I thankful when I don’t get my way? Am I thankful when I have to give up something I love? Am I thankful when I don’t get to sleep as long as I wanted? Am I thankful always? hmm? HMMM? HMMMM?
The root of thankfulness is realizing how truly undeserving of any good thing that I am and yet, how much good has still been given to me. I deserve to burn in a lake of fire forever and the sooner I realize the magnitude of the grace bestowed upon me, the more thankful I’ll be in any situation.
I shouldn’t be allowing petty things of this world affect my attitudes, causing pendulum-type thankfulness. My responses shouldn’t be directly proportional to my feelings. 
I’m not saying that feelings shouldn’t weigh-in at all (even David mourned and danced), but seriously, God calls us to respond above our human nature. In 1 Peter 1, He calls us to “be holy as He is holy”, to go above and beyond the normal, so that He may be glorified. 
The easiest way to continually give thanks is to take the focus off of introversion (what i like, how i feel, what i want, what I “need”) and move it outward and upward (who God is, who I am in Christ, what He has done for me, what I can do for Him). 
all of a sudden, it seems like
There’s so much to be thankful for.
I’ll begin my day with a little bit of thankfulness that I’ve experienced already:
for the super neat gift of fish. I looooove my fish tank. I looooove watching these tiny creations of God go to and fro, eating the little granules I give them, chasing each other, talking with their reflections in the side walls. Seriously, my spirits rise, and joy bubbles up within me when I watch little fishies, reflecting the creativity of God. 

I don’t know why it happens... Certain things in this world just give me the super-thankful butterflies in my tummy. Like thinking about Christ, who conquered death for me(!!!). Like reading a passage in Scripture and realizing that it directly applies to something in my life. Like getting a hug from my mommy, and knowing that she really loves me.
I bet there are some unique things that give you the super-thankful butterflies too. 
And maybe, just maybe, by reflecting on the things we ARE thankful for, we’ll minimize the time we spend being ungrateful, and become more Christ-like as we answer the calling to give thanks in ALL circumstances.

oh dear, I'm a bit long-winded today. so sorry, for all two of you who are reading my posts!
 I pray you have a thankful day in the Lord!

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